Thursday, September 29, 2011

Okay so no one is really reading this blog

crisis meeting friends (all none of you) i am slightly freaking out (cue music)

No one is reading this blog, i mean no one, even this post its self? doesnt make a lick of sense? Well i am going to change that all, right now.

Step 1. SPAM! heaps, it will involve a lot of post in a lot forums which may sound a little something like this "rofl!!! Oh Mai gawd laughed so hard but really guys if you like funni shit check out this web site I found so goooddd" and so on and so forth

Step 2. This post. Now i am going to add some popular phrases that people will search regularly on the internets and in turn lead them to here. Feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph. "I love Justin Beber" "who is Justin Beber" "lesbians that look like Justin Beber" "free porn" "I have been watching heaps of porn and now my computer is fucked!!! Help please" " meth recipe using house hold ingredients" " legal addvice for drug production charges" "facebook" "Wikipedia" " best nipple slips of 1971" "what do the mushrooms that get you high look like"

Step 3. Fake people - made up to comment this blog #see bellow

Step 4. The false promise of free stuff 34 blog comment get a year supply of French onion dip!

Step 5. Actually post interesting stuff - on a regular basis (I don't know about this one someone suggested it, what do they know)

So there we go lack of people reading fixed *slaps hands together imaginary internet dust flies away*

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Are we on?

“It's best to have failure happen early in life. It wakes up the Phoenix bird in you so you rise from the ashes.” Someone of historical note

i see the three post bellow as the ashes and the following posts as the phoenix, mind you not a very interesting phoenix but a phoenix none the less.

News, life goals, ideas, plans and happenings. You have all missed oodles and i guess a brief run down is needed because much has changed. I hawk no longer have a Mohawk and have a new job in which I have to work Tuesday to Saturday 9 am to 1 am, and turtle is off in Canada enjoy the relaxed drug laws and working with red necks who eat bear spaghetti. We are planning to meet up in New York for Christmas and New Eve Years and it will be a mess.

what brought me back?

I have a car, it’s a nice car and by nice I mean it runs really well. The problem is it has a lot of dints and scratches from not being able to accurately judge depth, width and length whilst driving. I needed a way to fix it, so I thought simply I will cover the entire can in Astor turf. I felt that this should be document and put on the internet somewhere. And here it is

More mad updates soon, but please remain sitting in the centre of yours seats and be excellent to your mother